Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Mommy Says! - Personality Feature - Everyone Has A Story...

What Mommy Says! ... Today's Personality Feature - Everyone Has A Story...

May I introduce Anne of the blogsite: What Mommy Says! Well, What Mommy Says always counts and checking out this new blog will give you a lot of information about what's hot, what's not, what's in and where to find it.

I asked Anne if I could interview her so all of us could get better acquainted with her. As you know on the blogs we never know who we are visiting with or where they might be from. This is truly a Global Experience

Anne is from Pakistan. In asking here to share a little about herself she said, "People alwyas tell me I'm very strong minded which I guess is true to an extent. I've always had a very strong desire to be independent. I grew up in a household and a country (Pakistan) which weren't peaceful at all, so it was always an internal fight to make things "right" not only for myself but for others who needed that stability as well. Anne carries out this same attitude of helping others in her blog: WhatMommySays! - which is a review blog. Added to this she co-manages a parenting message board called

Anne is 32 years, happily married for nearly five years and a proud mother of 3 year old boy/girl twins. She was born and raised of Portuguese decent, in Pakistani and now lives in the cosmopolitan and very volatile city of Karachi. I asked Ann what was her passion that drives her to start each day. I love the answer she shared, "A chancre to do better today what I couldn't do yesterday is something I'm very passionate about, so it plays a big part. Also, my two kids who I get to watch grow. For them everything is exciting so what can I say, it's contagious."

Anne started her blogging journey after stumbling across the blogging world a few years ago and go hooked almost instantly. And very specially when she saw women from all walks of life transforming something as simple as a daily journal into a platform for themselves and others, with endless possibilities.

One of her most challenging parts of creating an online presence has been breaking through and finding a niche in a market which gets more saturated by the day. But, as she expresses, if it wasn't challenging, it wouldn't be fun. As far as a major frustration in developing a blog she finds it to be the technical side of things. She has yet to figure out a lot of things and attempting to teach herself has had its frustrating moments. I am sure that most of us can relate to that!

We all need a support system no matter what we undertake so I ask Ann who she draws from. I will let Ann tell you, "My husband with all his moral support and patience when I ignore him for hours at a time. My best online friend, Monica, who writes the great Mommy Brain Reports; she has been an endless source of information and encouragement to me for years now. And people like yourself (Corline of Over The Top Aprons) who give people like me chances.

Where does Anne see her blog going, does she have any plans for the future? For right now she hopes to help women promote themselves and their talents through her blog (What Mommy Says!). She would like to see it grow of course and generate some income in the long run, but at the moment she is just giving it a good try! I would like to invite you to meet Anne for yourself and find out just what her latest reviews are ... so hop on over to her blog: What Mommy Says!

You ask, why did I choose to interview Ann for a Personality Feature? ... it is because she is unique, she is special, she is one of a kind!


MommyBrainReports said...

Great profile!!! Anne is a real sweetheart! Thanks for mentioning me too! I'm so honored that I've been one of her influences!!! Great Blog too!! Love your work!!!

- Monica @ Mommy Brain

Caffeinated Bliss said...

Thank you so much Corline!! You are such a wonderful lady!!

Lots more vintage stuff up on WMS today and the rest of the week. Stop by if you can.

Have a great day!!